Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Let the Divine Hand Solve...

What's the difference between a scientist and a artist? Well, both are primitive, art and science. And both were able to get free from the still primitive knowledge called Philosophy. And you know what, they both try to watch the world and analyze the things as the God himself. But what are the differences. If you have given a choice, to pick either one, which one would you prefer? If I'm given that choice, I guess, I would prefer the Artist; though, I like the Scientists more. (I am a skeptic, myself).

Well, so much for my point of view. Lets get back to the old question. Appeart from the similarities, what is the difference between an Artist and a Scientist. I guess, even I can not give a clear answer. But I can show you, through analogy. Take the sun for exampl. For us, I mean, any ordinary people, it's the good old sun which gives us light & heat during the day. And during summar time, it's hard to endure its heat. For a Scientist, it's a average G-4 type star. It's housing a system of planets from which the human being originated. It is using Hydrogen-Helium Fusion, as its fuel. Now, an Artist, he will see an ancient monarc, ruling the univers from eternity. Or he may just see the yellow of a poached egg. It depends.

It's not working. It's not getting anywhere. Then why am I asking the same question? Let's attack this from a different point of view....

Upon which things can we measure a civilization? Well, I'm on the right track now. 'Cause it's working. And we have an answer. But let's not get to it straightly. Whatever the scale is, (it varies on different societies) it is based on only two philosophies. The Art and the Science. One scale is technology and the other is culture. Now, let's dig a bit deeper. From my point of view, it always seems that, civilization deals with interrupting the workings of nature. I guess, this needs a bit of explanation. Well, let's look at the first lap towards civilization. At first, if you wanted to go somewhere, you had to walk. If you wanted to carry something, you could either carry it, or drag/push it. Then men invented Wheel. The first lap towards civilization. Again, it would be cold at night & during winter. And it would be dark at night. Then the second lap and men invented Fire. After that, it was only going forward. Century after century, men changed whatever they didn't like about the nature.

At least, I'm having This impression. I guess, by this time, you have got the idea. Now, lets get back to the old question. What is the difference between an Artist and a Scientist? Well, from what we know, now we can say, the measures of civilization are Culture and Science. Now, we all know that, these are practiced and enriched by the Artists and the Scientists. So, the civilization works through them. Now, what the civilization do? Yes, you have guessed correctly. Both the Artists and the Scientists works to make the change. They try to change whatever they feel not right (from their point of view, obviously). But the difference is, Scientists are a bit scared and thus reluctant to make the change. As their changes affect the society directly. They don't make the change when they just feel like it. So, they keep on testing and they keep on perfecting. But, the changes, made by the Artists, does not affect the society directly. And thus, they always try to exploite this freedom as much as they can. This is what I like about them. They are free, they are careless and they try to make any change of the existing things, views, whenever they feel like it. And this is how Art always fight the customs. They always tend to change the custom. And, it is the break of custom, the break of formal thoughts, which creates Art. And this is why people love Art. And the change, any change, over the existing things, without the thoughts of outcome, is the work of Art.

A very long discussion I have presented. But why? Because, I am an engineer myself. A man of science. But, few days ago, I had a debate with my friends on which one is better. Obviously, I supported the Artists. But, being an engineer, I had put the discussion on fire. They couldn't quite grab the fact, that I really prefer the Artists than the Scientists. One thing I should tell you, they were also Engineers and Computer Scientists. They presented that, it is possible through mathematics and computer to produce a work of an Art. And they referred to some university project, which analyzed Mozart and could produce his style of music. And it produced 16 or 18 symphony. They called those as Mozart's 60th symphony or something like that. They argued that science can suppress the Art. And I presented them my views. And then my proof as I present it to you now.

Let the Divine Hand Solve, which suppress whom...

And now Ladies & Gentlemen...

I present you...

My proof,
A rather simple thing.
A picture of a road sign.
The work of science (rods, cement, etc.), used as custom. And the effort to change....

The work of an Art...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The gift of Loneliness...

The man, who has got the bigger circle of friends, is more alone. Being surrounded by people only proves their loneliness. I just don't know why is it so. But can figure out at least something. They always try to get more people as they can. This is driven by their need to have company. The more they feel alone, the more they try to get around people.

I, very rarely write about myself. It is always about someone, some people around me. And I am always around the people. And I guess, this makes me a lonely person. The each and every hypothesis (yes, I dare to call these hypothesis) can be applied to myself. And it will match. The best lab-pet of me is myself. And yes I feel lonely.

This is one of the most hidden part of myself, I am Alone. And this is why I am always around the people. Always having fun, making fun of them, trying to help them, giving them company, trying to clam them when annoyed. But each and every task I do to get rid of my loneliness. I am doing it for myself only!!!

I always try to forget my loneliness. And to a certain extent, I am successful. I am never reminded of this while I'm around people. But, sometimes, being with people doesn't help.

Today was the last day of my University. I am living so busy a life, even I didn't notice it. But, what I rarely do, I woke up on sharp six today. I got ready, and left for university. Another exception today, I had no trouble getting the bus today. I just got to the bus-stop and got on the bus. No fighting, no waiting! Which is itself a 8th wonder specially on Sunday. After getting on bus, suddenly it struck me. Today is my last day of class. I came wondering all the way, what I will do. For years, I have been planning for this day. And what can I do in so much hurry!!! Then started wondering who else might know. Then figured out, the juniors won't notice. But certainly my friends will. Though they have finished theirs, but we have a tradition of celebrating this day. Even with only two people. But we celebrate. And all my friends know that, this is my last semester. And from tomorrow, my exam will start. Today is the last day of this semester.

I reached university. I went to have a tea. Then I had a lab-exam. And, to my wonder, it went very well. After the exam, I started to wait. How many of my friends will come and wish me. First came, a senior. I didn't expect him. But he came and said nothing of this sort. Then, one of my closest friends. He is doing a job and it is very unusual to be at the university at this time. He was once my room-mate also. He didn't even notice that it was the last day of this semester. How can he wish me? Then I started finding the juniors. One of the closest congratulated me, after reminding. Others didn't notice, even after reminding. Anyway, I was with them. Then the second best friend of mine called. He said, “What are you doing?” I told him, I was with the juniors. Then asked me, how long I will be at the university. To test him, I said, I'll have to go home early, as tomorrow is my exam (I never study before exam, neither do I leave before 8pm before exam). And he told me, 'Well then, go and study. I'll call you later'. I was passing time with the juniors and everyone was having fun. And then suddenly, I felt alone. It is very strong feeling and no one can realize if haven't felt this before. It's like suddenly, you will feel you are different. Suddenly, you will feel distant, far far away. Though, you are surrounded by people. I was becoming anxious for my friends, I decided to call one and called. She was supposed to be at office too. And I planned to meet after office-time. But, she was out already. I could not carry on this any longer. So, I told her this was my last day at university. She congratulated me and asked why I didn’t tell her before. She would have come. I told her before but she didn't remember. I was pissed-off by then and cut the phone. And decided, not to call anyone. I felt lonelier. And the juniors and everything seemed annoying, and left the place.

What do you do when you feel alone? When you feel left off? I feel it very often. And this is one of the things from which, I always try to escape. It is a curse for me. What should a man do, when they feel it? I try to tell it to someone. But no one is there. Everyone is busy with their own problems. So, I wrote this Blog-Post. Just to pass the time. Just to escape the loneliness. Almost all my posts, all my songs are written for this single reason. To escape it!

I guess, this is the gift of Loneliness…


দুচোখ বুজে রেখে তোকে কল্পনা
তোকে বলব বলে, নকশীকথা বোনা
এভাবেই ব্যস-তায় কেটে যায় আমার দিন ॥

কখনও অলস কোণ দুপুর বেলা
জলে আঙ্গুলে জলছবির খেলা
তোর ঠোটের কোণের মৃদু কাঁপন
দেখে হৃদয়ে প্রবল আলোড়নেরই দিন ॥

হঠাৎই তোর বাঁকা চাউনি
মরীচিকার মতো দেয় হাতছানি
সাহস নিয়ে চোখে রাখা চোখ
কি ভাবছিস যে তুই
কি ভাববে যে লোক, ভাবার দিন ॥

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some interesting Ads.

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আল বাকারা (The holy cow) !!!!!!!

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A good way of Revenge

I got this by mail. Don't know if it's fake, but like the Idea.

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চলে যাবার গান

অর্বাচিনের স্বপ্নসখার গান...

কথা ও সুরঃ পল্লব

আর হবে না তো যে, চেনা মোড়গুলোতে হঠাৎ দেখা।
চলে যাব যে বহুদুর, চলে যাবই যে একদিন।

ছোট ছোট কত কথা পড়বে তখন যে মনে তোর
এলোমেলো স্মৃতি হয়ে করব খেলা তোর ভেতর
খুজবি আনমনে, তবু পাবি না তো দেখা আর
মনের গোপনে, আশা রবে তবু আবার দেখার

অসময় কোন দুপুরে হঠাৎ হয়ে যাবি আনমোনা
কখনও অবাক হয়ে খুজবি কারণটা অজানা
হয়তো বুঝবি কোনদিন, কেন বিষন্ন লাগে সরাক্ষন
আরো খুজবি আমাকে, তোলপার করবি তোর চেনা ভুবন

এরপর, কোন বিকেলে, আড্ডাট জমে উঠবে আবার।
নেই আমি, ঠিকই অন্য কেউ রকে বসে করবে দিন কাবার
এরও পর, আমার স্মৃতি, ফিকে হয়ে আসবে কোনদিন
ভুলে যাবি তুই আমায়, আবারও হয়ে উঠবি তুই রঙ্গিন।

আর হবে না দেখা, হারিয়ে যাবে যে স্মৃতি থেকেও
চলে যাব যে বহুদুর, চলে যাবই যে একদিন
মুছে যাবে যে আমার স্মৃতি, মুছে যাবেই যে একদিন
ভুলে যাবি যে তুই আমায়, ভুলে যবিই যে একদিন

হয়তো, পড়বে মনে, এই গান আমার, কোন বিশেষ দিনে॥


Thursday, November 13, 2008

এ কিসের ইঙ্গিত?

ইঙ্গিতের Director-এর দৃষ্টি কোন দিকে?

এটা কোন অশুভ ইঙ্গিত?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Notice for জগাখিচুরী

বিশেষ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
This is to Inform all members of জগাখিচুরী that,
you are requested not to stay at জগাখিচুরী আড্ডা, after 7:00pm.
আর দয়া করে শান্তি-শৃংখলা বজায় রাখবেন। প্রতিবেশিদের কাছ থেকে Complaints আসছে।
thanking you

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Happy Family 2 (দ্বিতীয় সুখী পরিবার)

ছোট পরিবার, সুখী পরিবার... 


Sleep is good. Death is better. But, the best thing would have been, Not to be Born at all.

যখন Private University-Life কেরে নেয় সমস্ত বিশ্রামের সময়।
কি করা যায় তখন?

ঠিক ধরেছেন, অবশ্যই যখনই সময় পাওয়া যায় তখনই একটু ঘুমিয়ে নিতে দোষ কি?
হোকনা তা রাস্তায়... 

Friday, November 07, 2008

What the hell is this?

What the hell is this?

Theses guys never miss a single chance to exploit other people through Advertises.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Special Service ATM

Can you read it clearly?
It says -

---- Bank Limited
24 hours.

I'm sure you've noticed the capitalization. ;)

মুগ্ধতার গান

আমার জগৎ জুড়ে আলোর রেখা,
ইচ্ছে মতোন বাঁচতে শেখা...
নেই লুকোন মনের ভেতর গোপন কোন পাপ...
তুই ইচ্ছে-খুশি নামেই ডাকিস,
দঃখ দিতেই ব্যাস- থাকিস,
গায়ে মাখি না, ভালবেসে, দিস যে অভিশাপ।

আমার ছোট্ট ছোট্ট স্বপ্ন দেখা, স্বপ্ন নিয়েই বাঁচতে শেখা...
উড়িয়ে দিতে সবই হেসে, জুড়ি যে নাই মোর।
আমায় তবু পাস না তো ভয়,
করতে চাস এ হৃদয় বিজয়...
ঠোটের কোনের আলতো হাসির অস্ত্র দিয়ে তোর।
তোকে ইচ্ছে মতো জ্বালাই আমি,
মাঝে মাঝে একটু থামি...
যখন তোর ঐ চোখের কোনাটা মেঘলা দেখা যায়।
তোকে দঃখ দিতে দুঃখ লাগে,
হাসতে দেখার ইচ্ছে জাগে,
তাই নির্দ্বিধায়ই নেই মেনে তোর অনুযোগের দায়।

আমার আকাশ জুড়ে মেঘের ভেলা,
হাজার রূপে করছে খেলা।
রঙের খোজেই আমি; আরো রঙ্গিন হতে চাই।
তুই সঙ্গী হয়ে পাশেই থাকিস,
হাজার প্রশ্নে ব্যাস্ত রাখিস...
বন্ধু বলেই জবাব দিতে ক্লান্তি আমার নাই।

Monday, November 03, 2008

The End of an Artist...

It has been a long time since I last wrote from my day-dreams. The same story follows, what can be written. Today, I got an answer.

I've always told my friends that, I'm one of the happy type person. What makes me happy? Well, I guess, most of what I wanted, has been achieved. What makes me think so? C'mon it's me, I know what I've wanted in this little life. And I'm not saying I've got everything, I'm saying, I've got most of them.

For example, what does an artist want? I guess I'm going too fast. Let's ask, why does an artist creates (From my point of view, Artists are Gods of their own world. They Creat.) a piece of art? For me, it's as simple as this, 'To share their feelings. To make the people feel what They feel.' But here comes the second question, How does an artist judges his work? How do they know they are successful in this? Well obviously, through feedback. When they see, people are expressing the same emotions what he wanted, or when they (the artists) got the slightest clue about their emotions, feelings, they've known about their work. It's been judged.

There all are from my point of view. Now, again, another question. What is the most common expectation of the artists? For me, I think, all of the artists want to judge their work. They always want to know, exactly what people are feeling, when they come across the piece of art. And they want to make people feel exactly what they wanted to make them feel. But they never quite get it right. That's why they keep on trying. And we get continuous supply of art from the artist.

I have never considered myself as an artist. But, I do write some songs (I sing those, too.). And I've always wanted this thing. But, sometimes, I get the feeling, that, I'm successful in making the people feel as I want them to feel when I sing them.

For example, today, I was singing one of my own songs and I could feel I have touched their hearts. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but once I saw some, no all of my friends (every single one of them, can you imagine!) crying, when I finished a song. That was not expected. and after that, I had the feeling that, I've got what I've wanted. And there's nothing to do more. And I couldn't write for almost a year.

I guess, the feel of fulfillment, the taste of satisfaction kills an artist. because, there's nothing more to do. Unless, there's something new to do. completely new. I had touched their heart once, and I had the sensation, I couldn't do more. And I'm pretty much sure, that I won't be writing for a long time, and I won't at least sing this song for a very long time. I felt it as soon as I could feel their hearts today. And I guess, this is what kills an Artist. This feel of accomplishment, is the End of an Artist....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

ছাগলের তিন নম্বর বাচ্চা

তিন পাগলের হল মেলা নদে এসে... ও রাইসা যাসনে ও পাগলের কাছে।

Chokranto (চক্রান্ত)

গোপন ষড়যন্ত্র চলিতেছে

Don't disturb...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just to say sorry...

We know, you got injured for one of our fun. But we couldn't realize how far could a fun go. this is just to say...

We Are Very Sorry.

We just wanted to see you smiling like this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Configuring the computer for Bangla typing

Configuring your system

আপনার কম্পিউটার-এ বাংলার জন্য কনফিগার করা না থাকলে, Windows XP বা Windows 2000 অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে, লিখাগুলো ভেঙ্গে ভেঙ্গে আসবে। নিচের টিউটোরিয়াল-টি অনুসরন করে আপনি আপনার কম্পিঊটারটিকে বাংলা লিখা দেখার উপযোগী করে নিন।

আপনি যদি Windows Vista, Windows 7 বা Windows 8 (Developer Preview)-অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে এর দরকার নেই।

Read this step by step guide about how to configure your computer for viewing Bangla properly.

On Windows Vista, 7 or 8: No manual configuration required for Bangla computing.

On Windows Xp & Windows 2003 (Server)

1. Go to Control Panel, Regional and Language Options (কন্ট্রোল প্যানেল -> রিজিওনাল এন্ড ল্যানগুয়েজ অপশন্স)
2. In the Language tab, select Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages (including Thai) (কম্পপ্লেক্স স্ক্রিপ্ট-এর পাশে টিক দিন। XP-র CD চাইবে)
3. Click Ok. You may have to restart your computer. (ওকে ক্লিক করুন)

On Windows 2000

1. Go to Control Panel, Regional Options
2. In the General tab, see the Language settings for the system
3. Select Indic from the list
4. Click Ok. You may have to restart your computer.

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Missing Link...

প্রায় সব আড্ডায়-ই দু-এক জন থাকে যারা সারাক্ষন পচতে থাকে  কোন কারন ছাড়াই গ্রুপের বেশিরভাগ সদস্য এই মানুষগুলোকে পচাতে পছন্দ করে  ফলে এই মানুষগুলো আরো বেশি পচতে থাকে  এমনকি, যখন তারা আড্ডায় থাকে না, তখনও থাদের ব্যাপারে অনেক কথা চলতে থাকে ।


বলা যায়, আড্ডার সাবজেক্ট হিসেবেও তারা খুব ভাল  তাদের খুটিনাটি দোষ ধরা, তাদের বদ-অভ্যাসগুলো, বিভিন্ন খুতসমুহ, এইসব নিয়ে গবেষনায় অনেকটা সময় পার হয়ে যায়  বিভিন্ন খুত ধরতে এক্সপার্ট যারা, তারা হয় মুল আক্রমনাত্বক খেলোয়াড়, বাকিরা সাপোর্টার   মজা হল, গ্রুপের সবচে গো-বেচারা ছেলে বা মেয়েটাও তাদের নিয়ে কটাক্ষ করতে ছাড়ে না।


আমার ইউনিভার্সিটির ড্রামা ক্লাবেও এমন কজন আছে আমি, আমরা তাদের পচাতে সারাক্ষন ব্যাস্ত থাকি কেউ কেউ তাদের উপর খেপে থাকে, তাই পচায় যদি এই মেম্বাররা থাকে তো ভাল কথা, না থাকলেও, কথা বলতে কেউ ছাড়ে না আর খেপে থাকার কারনেই বেচারাদের দোষগুলো খুজে বের করা অনেক সহজ হয়।

কিন্তু, আমি একটা মজার ব্যাপার খেয়াল করেছি  সেটা হল, যদিও পচানো হয়, আমাদের আড্ডার একটা বড় অংশ জুড়ে এই মানুষগুলো থাকে  তাদের সাবজেক্ট না এলে আড্ডা জমে না আসলে, এই মানুষগুলোই আমাদের আড্ডার প্রাণ  এরা না হলে, আড্ডাটা অনেক নিষ্প্রান হয়  এরা আমাদের আড্ডার সাথে আঙ্গাঙ্গীভাবে জড়িত।


অনেক সময় এমনও হয়, যে তাদের ফোন করে বিভিন্ন উল্টোপাল্টা কথা বলে আসতে বলা হয় তারা অনেক ঝামেলা করে, বাসায় অনেক ঝামেলা সহ্য করে আমদের কাছে আসে, এবং এসে যথারীতি রাম-পচা পচে  তোকে বলদ বানালাম, আমাদের এই একটাই কথা।


আজও এমন একটা কাজ করা হয়েছে, একটা মেয়ের সাথে  মেয়েটা এসে বলল যে, ওর বাসায় ওর বাবার সাথে ঝগড়া করে ও এসেছে  কারন, আমরা বলেছি, আমাদের একজন মেম্বার খুব অসুস্থ, ওকে দেখতে যেতে হবে  মেয়েটার কাল পরীক্ষা আর ও কখনো বিকেলের পর বাসার বাইরে থাকে না  কিন্তু ও টেনশন করতে করতে চলে এসেছে  আমি সহ, সবাই তার পরও ওকে বোকা বানানোর পর, যখন ও একটু রাগ দেখালো, ওম্নি বকাঝকা শুরু করলাম।


কিন্তু, আসল কথা হল, আমদের কথা বিশ্বাস করেই ও এসেছে এবং আমরা জানি, এর পরও যদি একই কথা বলি, ও আসবে  কারন, আসলে আই মানুষগুলো খুব ভালোমানুষ।  তারা শুধু ভালোবাসার টানেই আমাদের কাছে আসে, ভালোবাসার টানেই আমাদের সব অত্যাচার সহ্য করে  ওরা না থাকলে আড্ডাটা খুব পানসে হতো  আর স্বীকার করি আর না করি, ওরা না এলে, আমরা ওদের মিস করি  তাই বিভিন্ন ছুতোয় ওদের নিয়ে আসি  তারপর পচাই  যারা ওদের উপর বিভিন্ন কারনে খেপে থাকি, তারাও ওদের সমানভাবে মিস করি  ওরা আমাদের আড্ডার সেই হারানো সূত্র, যা ছাড়া আড্ডাটা অসমপুর্ন থেকে যায়। 

When the corum is complete

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Great News, Bangla is here on Blog

অনেকদিন ধরেই অপেক্ষায় ছিলাম কবে ব্লগার-এ বাংলা support দিবে। অপেক্ষার পালা শেষ হল। এখন থেকে বাংলাতেও লিখতে পারবো। বেশ ভাল লাগছে।

আসলে যতোটা লিখব, তারচে' বেশি লিখাবো। তাহিনকে দায়িত্ব দিয়েছি আমার গানগুলো সব টাইপ করে দিবে। আমি শুধু কপি-পেষ্ট মারবো। হিঃ হিঃ হিঃ...

Friday, September 19, 2008

September's walking Beauty...

I don't think any description is necessary for this Post.

I don't think any post is necessary to upload this picture.

A photo says a thousand words...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The full detail idiot story.

Morning shows the day.

This picture was taken on 8:30am at Abul Mama's tea stall. Can someone give me any idea what this is all about? And can someone tell me who are these Idiots?

Here is the full detailed information.

I just don't understand, if you guys need money why don't you get a part-time Call-Center job. There's plenty. Why do you need to take money from friends (AIUBians)? Ethically its wrong to take money for helping out others.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Limit of Love...

Sometimes I wonder I'll never understand the people around me. I'm not writing regularly because I couldn't find any reason why, people would want to know about only my personal views about everything about me. But somehow I figured out that if I never tell anyone about the overwhelming thoughts running inside my mind, I'll die. And I don't feel shame to admit that I am a coward. I am really scared to die.

But there are some things which just cann't be told to anybody. Then my pen helps me. I talk with it.

I never got any single thing in my life with pure luck. Not even friends. I had to earn everything. Somehow, I can't figure it out, but my first impression on any person is very bad. So, people are not much interested to make friends with me. That's why I have to earn their friendship. And that's why I am always scared to loose them. And that's why may be I'm always trying to pull them too hard towards me. And that's why sometimes, this pull of friendship is mistaken with love.

Despite of my misfortune, I never loose faith in the people. It might seem contradictory but I think, somehow it's my fault, why the people fail to understand me. And they are always suspicious about my interions.

Does anyone know what is the exact boundary line between friendship and love? People might know, but I don't. Then how can I understand when I'm crossing it? How am I supposed to know that what I am doing as a simple fun could make someone I think I'm crossing the limit of friendship and entering a territory of love, which is someone else's territory. What should be the code of conduct between friends?

I'm really confused. When people assumes someone is in love. Just how much distance I'm supposed to keep from my friends. Can someone help me out?

I can not bear seeing tears. It tears my heart apart. But somehow, wherever I go, whatever I do, I get to see someone crying. Why it's always me?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The divine touch in life...

There are some moments in life, when very simple things get a completely new look. Have you ever wondered why this happen?

Again, in very few moments, people are lucky enough to catch the moment for ever. I think this is one of those preserved moment, when just a simple road lamp changed the whole meaning of the people below.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Beauty Exposer...

There are some people, some peculiar people, who likes me. I don't know if it's good-luck or bad-luck. Maybe it's peculiar luck.

There are some guys who thinks, they need a little extra attention, which nobody is giving. Sometimes, I'm really confused with these guys. Are they suffering from inferiority-complex or superiority-complex. Most of the time I'm satisfied with the fact that, they are better (at least, they think) than other. And they want to be popular among others. These types of people are always trying to get attention from others. You might come across some of these types. (They are not very rare specimen in a world swarming or rather overflowing with people.)

You could meet them virtually in any place. They are the type who are always trying to be little louder without any apparent reason, might have some flashy outfit or flashy outlook. In whatever form you see them, you'll find all off them are doing the same thing. They are shouting, (not with audible sound, with their whole behavior) 'Look At Me', 'Look At Me', 'Look At Me'.

What I usually do, when I meet any of these people, is just ignoring. Then after some tries, they usually get board and angry and leaves me eventually. But some of them are really enthusiastic. They keep on trying.

Some of these people are so desperate that, they can do almost anything for a show-off. Even if, it makes them peculiar, never ever try to make them aware of it. What they will inevitably realize is 'Good I'm getting attention'.

I once made this mistake. And one of my juniors got so excited that, somehow I became something like a beta tester. He digs out many weird dresses and then his prime directive is to stick with me, whole day. Somehow he figured out, I am a popular person. (God knows how he got the idea). And being with me can make him popular. So here he is, always trying to stick with me whenever, wherever I'm seen. (And actually, I'm starting to get popularity. But just because of having a specimen like him). And he somehow found out my Blog. (I'll shoot the bastard who gave the address). And now I have to take his picture every-time he wears something new.

Any idea how can I cure (or get rid of) him?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June's sleeping beauty.

What's the best place for sleeping? Specially, after sleeping for 10 hours on the previous day?

I have some peculiar juniors who somehow are very fond of me. Maybe I'm also very peculiar myself. But, I won't argue with them who says I look peculiar because of so many peculiarities around me. ;-)

Anyway, back to the story... I have a junior whom I have named Rishi. One of my friends took it a step further and named him, Riko (short for Rishi Koel). The word Rishi refers to the spiritual leaders engaged in deep meditation in the caves of Himalyas. But this guy is not any better in spirit than me. The reason behind getting this name is he deliberatly tries not to talk. I mean, he doesn't talk with anybody unless it is extreme emergency situation. And he even tries to avoid this also. If you ask him about this, he'll say that he doesn't like to talk. But we know (after knowing him long enough) that he likes to talk very much. But deliberately avoids it, just to make him look different and peculiar. It's very puzzling but true that he likes to be peculiar.

He acts in such a way that anyone will notice his peculiarity within 5 minutes of meeting him for the first time in life. Anyway, we enjoy this very much. And make sure that anyone meeting him never misses to notice this. I have seen many people ask him why he doesn't talk. He gives his old answer that he doesn't like to talk. But some lunatics just never stop asking. Then he gives his excuse that if he talks, he gets very hungry. Not everyone is satisfied with the answer but they, doesn't seem to have any interest in embarrass him more. Believe me or not, I also believed in this Crap!!!

What the problem is, we don't mind his being peculiar. What bothers us is that he deliberately tries to be peculiar. But what he can't realize that, he is a peculiar himself. He has some behaviors which are very peculiar. For example, just give him a place to sit & leave him alone for 10 minutes there. You'll find him asleep. He can't help it. No matter whatever the time or place, he can't help but sleep. If you are looking for him and can't find him, he is probably sleeping.

Some days ago, I was very annoyed with him and told him to leave me alone and go away. It was about 2pm and do you know what he did? He just went home. But, not in a usual way. When the bus reached Nikunja (he lives there) he probably figured out that home is not away enough. So he went to Tongi (almost 20 kilometer away) and then after reaching there, he figured out by away I just ment Out of Sight so he came back. On the way back, he felt very tiered and again went home. (I had to merge the story in whole from many of the other students who lives at Nikunja, Uttara and Tongi and from him.) He reached home at 7pm, according to his roommets and went straight to bed & within 5 minutes he was asleep. He over-slept that night and missed his class on 10am.

I had class till 2 and after that I had chance to meet my buddies. And one of his roommates asked me what I did to him the previous day. I told you he was very fond of me & everyone knows this. I also told you, if you're looking for him and can't find him then he's probably asleep. But the other probability is; he is with me. And if he does anything, people ask me first. Anyway, when his roommate asked me this, he was there. Then we started to gather the whole story, fragment by fragment from different people and him also (usually he doesn't lie). At last we recovered the whole story and calculated that he had slept more than 12 hours. Do you know what he was doing during the calculation? He was sleeping.

One of his roommates took my cell phone to take his picture. After some clicks, we resumed the calculation. Where he was sleeping, was a table left by some person who sells food by the side of a road. I wander why he needs to make himself peculiar deliberately!!!

Why my friend called him Rico? Well the Rishi part is for the same reason why I call him Rishi. The Koel portion needs a little explanation. Koel is a bird weighting 300-350 grams. And can lay 250-300 eggs. Those are one fourth of a chicken egg. Have some nice decorative black spots. My friend found its shape similar to his face.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Me, Myself and THEM...
The little angel stories.

'Kids, kids, kids...' The angels shaped like human, aren't they? Have you ever tried to understand them? What is going on inside their minds, how they act or react on certain situation.

I have a school named 'Banani Biddya-Niketon' in front of my university. In my breaks, I watch them. I find it very amusing. And now I'm planning to start a Day-Care Center after I've graduated.

Somehow, the kids, always treat me as one of their own. Yes, they know that I'm older than them but they always behave like I'm their friend. So, everything runs fine with them. That's why, I like kids.

I'm a good listener. And the kids always have a tendency to discuss their personal matters and problems with me. But as a friend. There not looking for advise. But, as I'm a little older than them, if I sometime comment on something, they apprichate it.

Each person has a philosophic mind inside. And in a society like mine, they always try to prove themselves as philosophers.

But what’s that got to do with the kids? Well, from my experiences, I’ve found that, the kids too, sometimes get a bit philosophic. Their thoughts are much deeper than any grown person. And many times, I’ve found myself engaged in highly philosophic discussions with them, starting from just a “How are you”, “How’s everything going” type chat. And I always find it amusing.

Kids love to discuss about the behaviors of the grown-ups. They also find it amusing to behave like one. And they find ma an excellent partner for analyzing the people’s behaviors. I’m a good listener also. So, they never miss the opportunity to discuss about people when they meet me.

Enough boring talks, now I should share my experiences with you.

I’ve got a friend. A cute little girl, who loves ice-cream very much. I am also fond of it. Actually I met her at an ice-cream parlor. What I like about her most is her trying to act like older persons and telling me, “You should not have that much ice-cream, your Tonsil will burst”. And believe me, when she says this, she looks just like my mother, except she’s just 5-7 years old.

So, when I’m with her, I just go for chocolate. And she, trying to be my guardian, also leaves her desire to have ice-cream and takes chocolate, just because, she thinks, seeing her having ice-cream can make me depressed. By the way, she told me that, she doesn’t have any problem with cold and tonsil and it was confirmed by her mother.

At first, I thought, she doesn’t want to share her ice-cream, just in case I want a bite from her. But, actually, she cares fro me too much and doesn’t want my tonsil get busted. That’s why; she takes chocolate to make me feel even. Trust me, this is just the case. And I overheard it when, she was telling this to her friends. She also told them not to take ice-cream when they are with me out, eating.

And her friends? They always suggests chocolate fro me & themselves just like her.

When I asked her, “Chocolates also harms. It eats-up your teeth”; she smiled sweetly and said, “You don’t know. But when your teeth are eaten by the germs, the Tooth-Fairy will come and take the bad teeth & in return, it will give you a brand new one. And anyway, if you want to have just these teeth all along your life, just brush it well. All germs will go away. This is how; you can save your teeth. But there is no way you can save your tonsil by eating ice-creams.”

So thoughtful of her!!! I just love this caring behavior of her. She is always trying to be my Mom. She always sacrifices her deep desire for ice-cream just because of me. I’m a good admirer of her sacrifice. And I like it this way.

That’s probably the reason, I never told her that, I don’t have problem with my tonsil either.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Let the divine hand solve your problems...

'last but not least'. I don't know the source of the saying. But it's really old. And it has been serving the human beings with equal usefulness as from its start. Like now.

I am one of the people, who's friends consider him a good palmist. Though, even I don't belive in palmistry. But I do find it amusing. In a sense, to be able to play with people's minds. It's like looking inside their minds and picking their thoughts. It's more like psychology to me. I do use some lines of their hands to guide me at first. But then, eventually, I get into the mind game.

I've explained it or rather tried to explain it to my friends time to time. But then they ask me to do the trick anyway. And this time, knowing the trick, they try to get a person I've never met before and tries to prove my predictions wrong. It's not that, they fail every-time, but 8 out of 10 of their attempts fail. No matter how unknown the person is, I somehow manage to get some correct predictions. Then again, sometimes, the person knowing the game, completely refuses anything I say. But I have found that, later, most of them admitted that I was 70% correct in my predictions.

Then what my friends do is more amusing. They try to argue between then that I was giving generalized comments which are true for most of the people. Well, by this time, I started to have fun and try to be more specific like telling their past. My accuracy doesn't fall this time either. This is the fun.

This leads them to strengthen their believe in my power. But why do they always fail? Because, it is also another mind game leading them to believe in my powers. By trying to prove me wrong, they fall right into my trap. No offence, but they are stupid enough, not to figure it out that by explaining my trick, I start a long process of leading them to try to prove me wrong.

You know what their problem is? They always try to get a new person. But they fail to admit a simple fact. They think, as I am a Computer Engineering student. I am not a psychologist, good enough to understand a psychology of a completely new person.

It's not that I don't make any mistake. I do make some mistakes sometimes. In persuading them to prove me wrong, I sometime go very fast. And my friends get fishy. They ask me how had I been able to tell the persons past from start. Is it by reading the lines or not. Then, I give them a mysterious smile. (Though I don't believe in mysteries either but they do) I just say, 'We were created by a divine hand. And it has been controlling, and guiding us since. And if you light a thousand candles with one, each one burns with same illumination. We are also divine. Each part of our bodies have a touch of that hand. (With a philosophic tone) We are also divine that way. (They don't have the willingness to challenge their own divinity.) Our hands has a divine touch also. So, the lines in the hand might show some touch of his planning with us. You just have to know how to interpret the meanings'.

And thus the divine hand saves my day and their faith in my powers.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Let there be light...

What do you think, if we had infrared sensing capabilities, we could see better? Or we could achieve further advancement in the development of humanity? Well I don't know, maybe we could, or maybe we couldn't. But surely it'd give us the power to see in the dark.

I am sure, several times in your life; you've wanted to be able to peek in the dark.

Let's think about my own experience. I was at my university area, engaged in lively chat with my friends. It was almost dark. One of my friends had his girlfriend with him. At some moments, she became furious on him and was giving him a 'If looks could burn you into ash' type look. I know her very well and believe me; she looks like something to remember for a very long time. But I also knew that, it won't last for a minute. So, I decided to take a picture of her. But no matter how hard I tried (hiding the camera from her) I could not see her through the camera to take a picture. Just because it was dark. After few tries, only one picture was able to show a faint outline of a human. But by the time, I was caught and she was giving her wonderful smile at me.

Let us leave that subject. Let us assume that, you have gone somewhere and you have a very beautiful girl their. The only problem is you can't figure it out that, is she looking at you or not because she is standing at a darker corner. In that situation, would you want to see in the dark?
For another example, let's say that, you've got a newly married couple arrived at the building just in front (or by the side) of your home. I'm very much sure, in that situation; you'd surely want to be able to see in dark, at night, when their light goes off.

I can't make you see in the dark, but, I can give you a suggestion. Get a handy-cam, those with good zoom and night vision. You won't know the color. But you can always pass your idle times by guessing, what was the color of their dresses (I'm trying to be roads, civilized & decent) last night.

Wouldn't you want to be able to see in the dark? Human being has a very deep, unknown fear of the dark. If we could see in the dark, the fear will not exist. I am sure; we would get some benefits in some situations. But anyway, the human being doesn't have the physical qualities required for infrared sensitivity. So all we can do is to arrange for more light. So, guys, lets put our hands together and say, 'LET THERE BE LIGHT...'

P.S.- Whatever you do, don't forget to send me a copy if you take my suggestion.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen Now I present you...

Do you know what VHDL is? It stands for 'VHSIC HDL'. Which stands for ‘Very High-speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language’. As the name says, this is used to design and describe digital circuits (very complex) in a easy way.

Our university's engineering curriculum has an elective course named - 'VHDL Modeling & Logic Synthesis'. Well it's considered as one of the toughest courses. All the students hesitates when taking this course.

But I can assure you that there is a teacher who makes the course a piece of cake. But you know, there is no guarantee that you'd have him on your course. What should you do then.

No problem. All you have to do is to go to road No. 21, Bloc-B, Banani, in front of house No. 76, 78 (which is another university.). Then you should find a little guy. The best way to recognize him is to start yelling - 'Hamba Hamba' and you'd hear a loud laughter. The laughing person is him. You'll find him with a cup of tea (without any sugar or milk) and a cake in another hand. He'll be soaking the cake in the tea and bite.

He is a great man though; he is very small in size. But you know size doesn't matter. He is the wisest person in the whole university in the field of VHDL. He is doing his undergraduate thesis on designing a FPGA board for programming FPGAs. If you have any problem regarding this subject, you can go to him. I'm sure he can help you no matter how tough the problem. He would definitely help.

He would start showing you how the problem can be solved. And after half an hour of discussion, he'll say, 'Oops, how this can happen? Let me check again'. Then he will go through all over it again but with more care & more time. Then again, he would stuck at the same point. It would go infinitely if, you don't stop him to quit. But to realize that it would go infinitely you'd need 3 to 4 run. And then you'd need considerable effort to stop him. No matter how much you tell him to stop, he would say, 'No, you'll have to understand. Why this can’t be done. We should clarify the matter now'. Oh! I forgot to tell you, by the time, you'd forget why you came. A new idea will flash in your head. Which is, not you, he came to you to understand something.

This is the guy. And don't forget, if you have any problem regarding VHDL, you can always go to him. At least, you'll forget the problem and be free of tension.

This is the guy, who has a special honorary title, because of his contribution on the fields of VHDL.

So now, “Ladies & Gentlemen… I present you, Shuvojit Neogi, the Grandson of VHDL”.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Great minds behind the Sign-board...

Ever thought about the people behind the marketing concepts? Consider about a simple logo. Ever thought how a designing is done? I know that, those who do this type of job are great minds. And a simple sign-board kept me wondering about 2 hours to get the idea. You can see a portion of it. It contains a logo of a university. Well as you can see, this is a logo of an educational institution. A university, as it says. As the slogan says, 'A carrier minded university'. The name is given in the logo- 'The University of South Asia'. Have you thought about the factors which had to be considered on designing its logo? I guess no. Well let me put some light in your thoughts. The easiest way of designing a logo is to take the initial letters of the words forming the name (i.e.- get the Acronym). Like BBC for British Broadcasting Company. Now if we take the initial letters of this university then it becomes USA. Well, it can't be taken because though it's not copyrighted (as far as I'm concerned) but the US government will surely send a missile at the campus. So there is a simple modification. They took 'UniSA'. Now a new problem arises. The harmonic balance is destroyed. So, people find it difficult to get the meaning of the word 'UniSA'. Now how this problem can be solved... Can you solve it?Well don't put too much pressure on your brain. Because, I am going to tell you anyway. Well they have taken a very simple approach to solve it. They have put an arrow under the word 'UniSA' pointing to the abbreviation of it. Yes, the whole name for the ease of the people. And at last, the logo should be bounded by a defined shape. What can it be? Obviously what could be better than the great 'U' of university! So, as you can see, there is the Big 'U'. Inside it, the word 'UniSA' and a red triangle shaped arrow pointing to the actual abbreviation of the word, in case, people wrongly interpret it. And now I present you the complete logo of 'The University of South Asia'. After all these, do you get the idea? Do you realize how tough it is to design a logo? Now I'm giving you a little practice task, have you seen the slogan? It's written at the beginning of this post. Your task is to find the idea behind it.