Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tips for Designing own website

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A friend of mine, wanted to know about designing web pages. Though it wasn’t my field, but I was instructed to learn it. They have given me some instruction.

“Design a web-page with Joomla, use all its features as much as you can and we’ll see about it. But keep it in mind, it should better be good”.

So, here I am, completely novice about web pages, trying to figure out how to do it. I thought I should share my experiences with it. Just the starting part will get you started. Let’s see if I can make a website good enough. And thought if I want to share, why not make it a post for my Blog too? That way, maybe more people would find it helping.

I was instructed to use Joomla. What the hell is that? After Googleing a little, I found out some information and decided, we can forget about it now. Why? Well it’s more like a tool for easily designing (hey geeks don’t shoot me for this) and managing a website. But we should at least know WHAT to design before starting to design.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Letter to my Everything, Post 2

The Letters to My EveryThing

Part – 2
Did you know, when I say everything, I do mean everything. That includes my whole life and whole world. So, if I call it world, it also means everything. Anyway, remember the last letter (which was actually, the first). I told the story of me becoming the perfectionist. But, I couldn’t tell the main thing. And now, after giving it a thought, I figured out that, I should do some more explanations before I actually start to say anything.

Well, by trying to be perfect, I did not mean, all the time superb performance, all the time winning and taking every challenge that comes before. That happens in the Fairy Tells. But life is not a Fairy Tell, it is

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Letters To My Everything, Post - 1

The Letters to My EveryThing

Part 1:

Well, where were we. Oh, at the perfection!!!

Sometimes, it left me wonder, why am I like this. It could be a very long story but, I can't remember the long part, so, I’m going with the shorter one. Well, it seems like several years back… No…, it was more than a decade ago;

Letters to My Everything, The Prelude

The Letters to My EveryThing


I was a perfectionist. I was, a perfectly perfect, Perfectionist. I guess… No, I am sure; I’m still, a Perfectionist.

I wanted everything to be perfect. To be more precise (i.e. to be more perfect) I wanted everything related with me to be perfect. Well, I sill do want this. Not that every time it goes well but I’d rather say, almost never it goes well. Almost never, it was perfect.

Friday, August 14, 2009

ভিতরের কেউ

I don’t know, but I guess this would be the last song I ever wrote and this could be the last song I’ll ever play.


ভিতরের কেউ

(Em---Em G-Am C-G-C)

যখন খুজছ কিছু একটা...
যার কোথাও দেখা নেই।
আর খুজে পাবার আশায়
পায়ে পায়ে পেছাচ্ছ যেই...

Monday, July 13, 2009


আমার গোপন কিছু কথা জমাট, বুকেরই ভিতর,
তোকে বলব, তুই শুনিস, দু’চোখ বন্ধ করে তোর।
তবু অশ্রু যদি আসে চোখে, আমায় দেখাস না,
তোর চোখে পানি দেখলে আমার বলা হবে না।

আমি এবং আমার আমি...

আমার দৃষ্টি নাকি বড়ই তীক্ষ্ন সন্দেহের অতীত,
এই দৃষ্টি দিয়েই খুড়ে ফেলি মনের গোপন ভীত।
আমার কি দোষ বলো বন্ধু, কি যে আমার পাপ ?
তোমার ছোট ছোট আচরনে অতীতেরই ছাপ।।

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Gift of Loneliness...

Almost regularly all the people around me reminds me of one thing. Which is, I'm very selfish and self-centered. These persons are very good persons and tries very hard not to do this. But, they can't avoid it as I get too much irritating. What they say about me is, I'm afraid, very much true. They say, I try very hard to impose whatever I like or don't like on them; regardless of their choice.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Special Notice...

This was found inside the toilet of Asiatic Center's sister concern Noyontara Productions.

I wonder how they will know. Is there any CC-Cam? Or any new type of sensor. There could be the oldest trick, peeping through the key-hole.