Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Letters To My Everything, Post - 1

The Letters to My EveryThing

Part 1:

Well, where were we. Oh, at the perfection!!!

Sometimes, it left me wonder, why am I like this. It could be a very long story but, I can't remember the long part, so, I’m going with the shorter one. Well, it seems like several years back… No…, it was more than a decade ago;
when I was leaving a person, the person said that I am very good as a friend, but not a good (actually very bad) as a lover. I had learned a good lesson by then,

I had thought I learned what reality was. Well, that did it. I became obsessed with being good. It became the destiny of my life to become a perfect person as a lover that everyone would want to have. But, at the end of a day, I find myself here, alone, not even close to it and moreover, I found myself, now, not even eligible to be a good friend. Its funny how life makes joke of someone, how life mocks at them who thinks they know all about life. How amusing…

So long for the story… But hey, I actually forgot what I was really trying to write to. But I’m too tiered now and I don’t want to get you bored. So, I guess, I’ll write that to you tomorrow… Until then, good-bye my Everything…

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