Sunday, November 30, 2008

The gift of Loneliness...

The man, who has got the bigger circle of friends, is more alone. Being surrounded by people only proves their loneliness. I just don't know why is it so. But can figure out at least something. They always try to get more people as they can. This is driven by their need to have company. The more they feel alone, the more they try to get around people.

I, very rarely write about myself. It is always about someone, some people around me. And I am always around the people. And I guess, this makes me a lonely person. The each and every hypothesis (yes, I dare to call these hypothesis) can be applied to myself. And it will match. The best lab-pet of me is myself. And yes I feel lonely.

This is one of the most hidden part of myself, I am Alone. And this is why I am always around the people. Always having fun, making fun of them, trying to help them, giving them company, trying to clam them when annoyed. But each and every task I do to get rid of my loneliness. I am doing it for myself only!!!

I always try to forget my loneliness. And to a certain extent, I am successful. I am never reminded of this while I'm around people. But, sometimes, being with people doesn't help.

Today was the last day of my University. I am living so busy a life, even I didn't notice it. But, what I rarely do, I woke up on sharp six today. I got ready, and left for university. Another exception today, I had no trouble getting the bus today. I just got to the bus-stop and got on the bus. No fighting, no waiting! Which is itself a 8th wonder specially on Sunday. After getting on bus, suddenly it struck me. Today is my last day of class. I came wondering all the way, what I will do. For years, I have been planning for this day. And what can I do in so much hurry!!! Then started wondering who else might know. Then figured out, the juniors won't notice. But certainly my friends will. Though they have finished theirs, but we have a tradition of celebrating this day. Even with only two people. But we celebrate. And all my friends know that, this is my last semester. And from tomorrow, my exam will start. Today is the last day of this semester.

I reached university. I went to have a tea. Then I had a lab-exam. And, to my wonder, it went very well. After the exam, I started to wait. How many of my friends will come and wish me. First came, a senior. I didn't expect him. But he came and said nothing of this sort. Then, one of my closest friends. He is doing a job and it is very unusual to be at the university at this time. He was once my room-mate also. He didn't even notice that it was the last day of this semester. How can he wish me? Then I started finding the juniors. One of the closest congratulated me, after reminding. Others didn't notice, even after reminding. Anyway, I was with them. Then the second best friend of mine called. He said, “What are you doing?” I told him, I was with the juniors. Then asked me, how long I will be at the university. To test him, I said, I'll have to go home early, as tomorrow is my exam (I never study before exam, neither do I leave before 8pm before exam). And he told me, 'Well then, go and study. I'll call you later'. I was passing time with the juniors and everyone was having fun. And then suddenly, I felt alone. It is very strong feeling and no one can realize if haven't felt this before. It's like suddenly, you will feel you are different. Suddenly, you will feel distant, far far away. Though, you are surrounded by people. I was becoming anxious for my friends, I decided to call one and called. She was supposed to be at office too. And I planned to meet after office-time. But, she was out already. I could not carry on this any longer. So, I told her this was my last day at university. She congratulated me and asked why I didn’t tell her before. She would have come. I told her before but she didn't remember. I was pissed-off by then and cut the phone. And decided, not to call anyone. I felt lonelier. And the juniors and everything seemed annoying, and left the place.

What do you do when you feel alone? When you feel left off? I feel it very often. And this is one of the things from which, I always try to escape. It is a curse for me. What should a man do, when they feel it? I try to tell it to someone. But no one is there. Everyone is busy with their own problems. So, I wrote this Blog-Post. Just to pass the time. Just to escape the loneliness. Almost all my posts, all my songs are written for this single reason. To escape it!

I guess, this is the gift of Loneliness…


দুচোখ বুজে রেখে তোকে কল্পনা
তোকে বলব বলে, নকশীকথা বোনা
এভাবেই ব্যস-তায় কেটে যায় আমার দিন ॥

কখনও অলস কোণ দুপুর বেলা
জলে আঙ্গুলে জলছবির খেলা
তোর ঠোটের কোণের মৃদু কাঁপন
দেখে হৃদয়ে প্রবল আলোড়নেরই দিন ॥

হঠাৎই তোর বাঁকা চাউনি
মরীচিকার মতো দেয় হাতছানি
সাহস নিয়ে চোখে রাখা চোখ
কি ভাবছিস যে তুই
কি ভাববে যে লোক, ভাবার দিন ॥

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some interesting Ads.

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আল বাকারা (The holy cow) !!!!!!!

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A good way of Revenge

I got this by mail. Don't know if it's fake, but like the Idea.

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চলে যাবার গান

অর্বাচিনের স্বপ্নসখার গান...

কথা ও সুরঃ পল্লব

আর হবে না তো যে, চেনা মোড়গুলোতে হঠাৎ দেখা।
চলে যাব যে বহুদুর, চলে যাবই যে একদিন।

ছোট ছোট কত কথা পড়বে তখন যে মনে তোর
এলোমেলো স্মৃতি হয়ে করব খেলা তোর ভেতর
খুজবি আনমনে, তবু পাবি না তো দেখা আর
মনের গোপনে, আশা রবে তবু আবার দেখার

অসময় কোন দুপুরে হঠাৎ হয়ে যাবি আনমোনা
কখনও অবাক হয়ে খুজবি কারণটা অজানা
হয়তো বুঝবি কোনদিন, কেন বিষন্ন লাগে সরাক্ষন
আরো খুজবি আমাকে, তোলপার করবি তোর চেনা ভুবন

এরপর, কোন বিকেলে, আড্ডাট জমে উঠবে আবার।
নেই আমি, ঠিকই অন্য কেউ রকে বসে করবে দিন কাবার
এরও পর, আমার স্মৃতি, ফিকে হয়ে আসবে কোনদিন
ভুলে যাবি তুই আমায়, আবারও হয়ে উঠবি তুই রঙ্গিন।

আর হবে না দেখা, হারিয়ে যাবে যে স্মৃতি থেকেও
চলে যাব যে বহুদুর, চলে যাবই যে একদিন
মুছে যাবে যে আমার স্মৃতি, মুছে যাবেই যে একদিন
ভুলে যাবি যে তুই আমায়, ভুলে যবিই যে একদিন

হয়তো, পড়বে মনে, এই গান আমার, কোন বিশেষ দিনে॥


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

এ কিসের ইঙ্গিত?

ইঙ্গিতের Director-এর দৃষ্টি কোন দিকে?

এটা কোন অশুভ ইঙ্গিত?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Notice for জগাখিচুরী

বিশেষ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
This is to Inform all members of জগাখিচুরী that,
you are requested not to stay at জগাখিচুরী আড্ডা, after 7:00pm.
আর দয়া করে শান্তি-শৃংখলা বজায় রাখবেন। প্রতিবেশিদের কাছ থেকে Complaints আসছে।
thanking you

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Happy Family 2 (দ্বিতীয় সুখী পরিবার)

ছোট পরিবার, সুখী পরিবার... 


Sleep is good. Death is better. But, the best thing would have been, Not to be Born at all.

যখন Private University-Life কেরে নেয় সমস্ত বিশ্রামের সময়।
কি করা যায় তখন?

ঠিক ধরেছেন, অবশ্যই যখনই সময় পাওয়া যায় তখনই একটু ঘুমিয়ে নিতে দোষ কি?
হোকনা তা রাস্তায়... 

Friday, November 07, 2008

What the hell is this?

What the hell is this?

Theses guys never miss a single chance to exploit other people through Advertises.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Special Service ATM

Can you read it clearly?
It says -

---- Bank Limited
24 hours.

I'm sure you've noticed the capitalization. ;)

মুগ্ধতার গান

আমার জগৎ জুড়ে আলোর রেখা,
ইচ্ছে মতোন বাঁচতে শেখা...
নেই লুকোন মনের ভেতর গোপন কোন পাপ...
তুই ইচ্ছে-খুশি নামেই ডাকিস,
দঃখ দিতেই ব্যাস- থাকিস,
গায়ে মাখি না, ভালবেসে, দিস যে অভিশাপ।

আমার ছোট্ট ছোট্ট স্বপ্ন দেখা, স্বপ্ন নিয়েই বাঁচতে শেখা...
উড়িয়ে দিতে সবই হেসে, জুড়ি যে নাই মোর।
আমায় তবু পাস না তো ভয়,
করতে চাস এ হৃদয় বিজয়...
ঠোটের কোনের আলতো হাসির অস্ত্র দিয়ে তোর।
তোকে ইচ্ছে মতো জ্বালাই আমি,
মাঝে মাঝে একটু থামি...
যখন তোর ঐ চোখের কোনাটা মেঘলা দেখা যায়।
তোকে দঃখ দিতে দুঃখ লাগে,
হাসতে দেখার ইচ্ছে জাগে,
তাই নির্দ্বিধায়ই নেই মেনে তোর অনুযোগের দায়।

আমার আকাশ জুড়ে মেঘের ভেলা,
হাজার রূপে করছে খেলা।
রঙের খোজেই আমি; আরো রঙ্গিন হতে চাই।
তুই সঙ্গী হয়ে পাশেই থাকিস,
হাজার প্রশ্নে ব্যাস্ত রাখিস...
বন্ধু বলেই জবাব দিতে ক্লান্তি আমার নাই।

Monday, November 03, 2008

The End of an Artist...

It has been a long time since I last wrote from my day-dreams. The same story follows, what can be written. Today, I got an answer.

I've always told my friends that, I'm one of the happy type person. What makes me happy? Well, I guess, most of what I wanted, has been achieved. What makes me think so? C'mon it's me, I know what I've wanted in this little life. And I'm not saying I've got everything, I'm saying, I've got most of them.

For example, what does an artist want? I guess I'm going too fast. Let's ask, why does an artist creates (From my point of view, Artists are Gods of their own world. They Creat.) a piece of art? For me, it's as simple as this, 'To share their feelings. To make the people feel what They feel.' But here comes the second question, How does an artist judges his work? How do they know they are successful in this? Well obviously, through feedback. When they see, people are expressing the same emotions what he wanted, or when they (the artists) got the slightest clue about their emotions, feelings, they've known about their work. It's been judged.

There all are from my point of view. Now, again, another question. What is the most common expectation of the artists? For me, I think, all of the artists want to judge their work. They always want to know, exactly what people are feeling, when they come across the piece of art. And they want to make people feel exactly what they wanted to make them feel. But they never quite get it right. That's why they keep on trying. And we get continuous supply of art from the artist.

I have never considered myself as an artist. But, I do write some songs (I sing those, too.). And I've always wanted this thing. But, sometimes, I get the feeling, that, I'm successful in making the people feel as I want them to feel when I sing them.

For example, today, I was singing one of my own songs and I could feel I have touched their hearts. I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but once I saw some, no all of my friends (every single one of them, can you imagine!) crying, when I finished a song. That was not expected. and after that, I had the feeling that, I've got what I've wanted. And there's nothing to do more. And I couldn't write for almost a year.

I guess, the feel of fulfillment, the taste of satisfaction kills an artist. because, there's nothing more to do. Unless, there's something new to do. completely new. I had touched their heart once, and I had the sensation, I couldn't do more. And I'm pretty much sure, that I won't be writing for a long time, and I won't at least sing this song for a very long time. I felt it as soon as I could feel their hearts today. And I guess, this is what kills an Artist. This feel of accomplishment, is the End of an Artist....