Sunday, September 20, 2009

Letter to my Everything, Post 2

The Letters to My EveryThing

Part – 2
Did you know, when I say everything, I do mean everything. That includes my whole life and whole world. So, if I call it world, it also means everything. Anyway, remember the last letter (which was actually, the first). I told the story of me becoming the perfectionist. But, I couldn’t tell the main thing. And now, after giving it a thought, I figured out that, I should do some more explanations before I actually start to say anything.

Well, by trying to be perfect, I did not mean, all the time superb performance, all the time winning and taking every challenge that comes before. That happens in the Fairy Tells. But life is not a Fairy Tell, it is

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Letters To My Everything, Post - 1

The Letters to My EveryThing

Part 1:

Well, where were we. Oh, at the perfection!!!

Sometimes, it left me wonder, why am I like this. It could be a very long story but, I can't remember the long part, so, I’m going with the shorter one. Well, it seems like several years back… No…, it was more than a decade ago;

Letters to My Everything, The Prelude

The Letters to My EveryThing


I was a perfectionist. I was, a perfectly perfect, Perfectionist. I guess… No, I am sure; I’m still, a Perfectionist.

I wanted everything to be perfect. To be more precise (i.e. to be more perfect) I wanted everything related with me to be perfect. Well, I sill do want this. Not that every time it goes well but I’d rather say, almost never it goes well. Almost never, it was perfect.